plan9 My fascination with unixes(unices ?) and other systems that merely resemble it have led me to trying out some obscure operating systems and this one is no exception, touted as a operating system to take the linux philosophies such as “everything is a file” to its absolute maximum

plan 9 is a research operating system from bell labs that was supposedly the successor to unix,it had different ideas of how an operating system should function, this is clearly shown by its components, from the window manager rio, a minimalist window manager that only gave the user the minimun needed to use the damn thing, with its color scheme, a stark white and teal combination of color and its editor acme that can also be used as a file manager

if the choice of color doesnt turn you off though, you will get to experience an operating system that i think was ahead of its time, the creators seemed to have figured out that the future is distributed aka the cloud, plan 9 could be run across multiple computers with cpu server in another computer while the file server ran in a different computer, i d like to think that if it had gained traction it would be running the cloud right now, all servers would be running plan9

now back to the deafult editor acme, it is one the most fascinating editor i have ever come across requiring a three button mouse to utilize well, running commands by clicking on the text

since nobody was actively working on plan9, some of its components were ported to other operating system such as linux.9fs the distribited filesystem, acme the editor get to live on in other operating systems, not sure if anyone uses those tools though besides maybe the creators of plan9, and if you want to try it there is a fork that is recommended by everyone, that includes a few things not there in the original and it seems to be actively maintained
